Yahoo! digital home??

I just found this new cool product from Yahoo!

Fantasy Sports on your TV

It looks like a piece of Yahoo! Go for TV, which has been sidelined for a while.
One surprising aspect is, it works with the Windows Media Center instead of being a part of its own Yahoo! Go for TV which more or less is a competitor to Windows Media Center. Is it some sort of death knell to Yahoo! Go for TV, just like the Yahoo! Go for PC is left to death?

But more than that it is the URL that invokes my curiosity. redirects to Yahoo! home page. Sounds like Yahoo! is going to come up with a whole suite of applications for TV that works through Windows Media Center which is being shipped as a part of Vista Home Premium.

But I strongly believe any digital home strategy that requires a connection to a PC is bound to fail. Be it Windows Media Center or Apple TV or Yahoo! Go for TV. If you want to hit the mass market you must go with a set top box like TiVo or XBox 360.

Yahoo! Go and Yahoo! 360 are the biggest bets that Yahoo! made and failed miserably.
Hope they turn around and come up with a cool product that works.

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