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Forget PCs

The clock on home personal computers as we know them is ticking, especially with emergence of the newer markets like India, China. The future is with mobile phones/PMPs with larger screens, that you can hold in your palm and large HD televisions. There majority would have mobile phones in a few years with most of them having seen or used a PC.

What do you your PCs for at your home? To communicate using emails, messenger and to get entertained with your music, videos and to get information on weather, tv shows, movies. It's about ICE, Information, Communication and Entertainment.

  • Gaming is moving to hard core consoles with fancy controllers,
  • Digital Music moved to high capacity ipods and PMPs ,
  • watching digital movies and browsing multi megapixel photographs are moving to High def Television,
  • emailing and messaging and social networking is moving to mobiles and smartphones
  • Browsing news and getting weather and traffic information would move to the 3G mobiles with RSS feeds and easy to use search apps (yahoo onesearch) and TV sets with IPTV/TiVo/Xbox/Wii/AppleTV connections and qwerty remotes.
  • With more applications moving to web based solutions, ofcourse to a host of enterprise solutions that are moving to hosted models, the browser is going to be the only software that you need. Thanks to google, you now don't need to download docs, pics, mp3s when you get them in email. (eventually videos).

All this is pointing to the decline of the time share for a Home PC. And the functionality would move away to TVs and Mobiles and possibly UMPCs. They might be only used to serve content, (Windows Home Server?? anyone).

At work? You are struck with PCs for your life time. Corporates cannot move and adapt as fast as consumers do.

Google's Future??

Going by the way things are moving, I feel that google would become basically an 'Ad-Selling' company, with all these Orkut, Youtube, Maps, Gmail, Maps and even docs would become less critical and non core.
google would become the destination to buy and sell ad spots in all media, TV, internet, radio, mobile, gps, publshing or where ever the content is. Thats a lot of money.
All these internet web sites would become a small channel to host their ads, would become less profitable as google would go on to host ads on other major portals like aol, myspace, mapquest or any new killer web portal that may come by. And it would not make sens developing and hosting all the data and applications, it can just get money from the others doing the job for them and happily share the revenues.

Einstein and God

When asked directly if he believed in God, he always insisted he did, and explained it once this way: “We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.”

Do not miss the article in TIME on Einstein -

To all the Losers ;)

My last post on Indian debacle at the Cricket World Cup. I have the same question that always come to mind looking at the people who comment on the Cricket team. People who talk about the field placement or the batting order, never even played at the school level. They do not know the pressure in the game, even when playing for a small team. Analyzing is not bad, blaming is. And people who complain about the others failures are not even great achievers in what they do. Forget about achievements or success. They should just ask themselves if they are doing justice to the work they do for which they are getting paid for. These are the same people who watch 'Cricket', by skipping the work. There is nothing wrong in 'failure', but it is criminal to bad mouth the failed, when you are not honest to your duties. Panchjanya editor seems to have conveyed the same in a better way.

Sangh asks those who frown at them to introspect on whether they themselves have won every match in their life. An editorial in the latest issue of the weekly Panchjanya has ridiculed the “childish” and obsessive way people in the country make cricket a life-and-death issue, dragging the 11 players of the team from heroes to zeroes in a trice and even committing suicide over losing a game. “Is losing so bad...Is the country hanging on the performance of a team of 11?” the RSS has asked, exhorting those who “expect them to always win to look within and see whether they themselves have always been successful”. Also, to ask themselves whether every time they failed, was it willfully to aid some kind of betting scheme, as the cricket team is accused of doing in the wake of every loss.