British rule in India

I have seen a discussion in one of the forums about what are the +ves and -ves from british rule-- there are people who think that british rule has done good to the country by giving railways, administration etc...

Only thing that came out of British Rule is INDIA.
The Identity of an Indian. The Unity of Indians under one flag.
There were 565 princely states that were put together by Sardarji.

the misconception the british gave us railways, postal system and electricity are bullshit. they would have come to India anyways.

%share of India in world gdp
1 AD 32.9 rank1
1000 AD 28.9 rank1
1500 AD 24.5 rank2
1600 AD 22.9 rank2
1700 AD 24.4 rank1
1820 AD 16.0 rank2
1870 AD 12.2 rank2
1950 AD 4.2 rank?
1973 AD 3.1
current 6.3

It is in the 1700s that the colonial rule started...
SO.. what do you think??
they just looted us.. we missed the industrialization bus because of them...
And some intelligentsia say that the british gave us English, which is the most precious thing ever... and we are on our feet only because of english...

chinese can't speak english..
German can't speak english
japanese can't speak english
french can't speak english

And they are in the top 5 economies.
english is offical lang only in 5 countries.. with less than 5% of world population


Zach Taylor said...

why so hot?? take a chill pill ;)

V said...

Half knowledge can be dangerous...
that is what we all have...