Indians in the Middle east!!

Instead of worrying about the 'Indian descent' people in Malaysia, India should first look at the plight of the 'Indians' in Dubai and other parts of the middle east. Not to disrespect Indian descent Malaysians, Any one who has made a trip to Dubai, would easily realize how the Sheiks are building an Expensive Empire with the cheap labour from India.

The workers from abroad, with majority from various parts of India are kept in camps with sub human living conditions. The construction happens round the clock with two 12 Hour shifts. Hoards of the workers are unloaded sharp at 6AM and works until 6PM, to be taken back to their 'Camps' in buses. And the other set would be unloaded at 6PM Sharp. There are no labour laws, no rights. These guys are with out any family life or social life. Their passports are with hold by their contractors. They are bound by illegal contracts and can't leave at their will. No real health benefits. Tough luck if you are injured by chance. They are paid meagre amounts compared to the living standards in their host countries. By any standards, they are bonded labor or can even be called slaves.

These countries are building paradises with the blood of these workers. No voice is raised against these atrocities. USA sees these middle eastern states as allies and do not comment on these human rights violations while they happily bark about the Chinese doing business with Sudan. Indian corporates make money off the contracts. Indian government couldn't care any less.

In the end innocent Indians accept their fate and suffer for the unfair amounts they are paid.

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