Obama and Caucuses Take II

Add Texas and Wyoming Caucuses for Obama. Its 14 out of 15, And the one clinton lead was in American Samoa 2 delegates to 1. It more or less a unanimous sweep for Obama. Whats troubling is, if you take texas where primaries and caucuses were both held on the same day with same electorate, Obama while trailing in the Primaries by a good 4%, leadin the caucuses by atleast 15%. Thats a huge disparity!!

That leads to the question - are caucuses democratic and do they represent the public choice?? Remember, there are no caucuses in the general election. We would never know what would have happened if primaries were held in those 15 states instead of caucuses given the Results in TX. Definetely something to think about for democrats at the convention. I am sure Clinton will bring that up late in the game.

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