Obama's failed speech... Change, Not This Time!!!

Transcript: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/18/us/politics/18text-obama.htm

Yes... media will sing praises on his speech and those who support Obama would claim it to be the singpe most important speech on race post civil rights movement. I've already seen head lines that use words like bold, unconventional, daring, unique etc... This carefully crafted speech does nothing to change the status quo. He explained in pages and pages how we have come to this point. He says he condemn Wright's speech but went on to subtly explain why he would give such a speech. And explained why White's have resentments against the Black community and that they are born from the circumstances. Renestment doesn't mean racism. That appplies to both sides. And this speech is supposed to be about racism and not resentment.

Everyone knows there are resentments on either side. And that all races need to work towards the 'perfect union'. Ok. Whats new. This is what any person who wants to talk diplomatic about the race situation in USA would say. Any politician who is looking for votes would say the same thing. Those words suddenly do not gain weight just because they are spoke by a black politician.

I expected him to talk about the harsh realities and what needs to be done. I expected him to talk straight and condemn wright in all its content and intent. If we keep looking back at the History, how can the 'Change' happen. I expected him to strongly warn all the commentators and political pandits to stop bringing race into the picture. I expected him to tell Blacks that it is time to stop blaming whites for every problem they face and ask them to stop cry 'racist' even at the harmless comments on race (bill clinton, ferrero etc). A small town racist in Alabama is not responsible for the murders in Oakland. I expected him to inspire Blacks to get rid of the hiphop bitch and ho culture and the guns on the street culture. America is providing equal opportunity to anyone who has the will to succeed. I hoped he would raise the need for that will power. I expected him to pursue young blacks to stop looking at the past and work towards a bright future. I expected him to address the root cause of the poverty in black neighbourhoods and layout a plan to wipe out the economic disparities.

Hmmm.. Not This Time. All we got is another politically motivated and extremely calculated speech. And in all possibilties he is going to be praised by all with out question. And his speech would likely inspire (sic) many more votes from the 'American Idol' nation.

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